1. Submit final draft of essays upon entering the room
2. Journal writing: Begin a paragraph with: "No, thank you."
3. Muster and administrivia
4. Research papers! A large bundle of old research papers for everyone to read and discuss!
5. Research paper topics (handout). Much discussion.
You will write your mid-term exam in class on the week of the 24th of October.
Morning class: You will have both Monday and Wednesday to complete your exam. Once you are finished, you may leave to work on your research paper. You need not work in the writing lab on this occasion, though of course I recommend that you do. If you finish your test on Monday -- and you shouldn't -- you need not report to class on Wednesday (tho' of course the writing lab and your old instructor are always available).
Nota bene: You may not stop working early during Monday's class and then expect to continue the test on Wednesday. No. "My aim is to be hospitable, not philanthropic." -- the father of the bride in Brigadoon.
Morning students are most welcome to come finish the test in the Monday night class on the 24th.
Monday night students: You are welcome to begin the test in my Monday morning (0945-11:05) class and to finish it during your regular class.
My mission, dear students, is to do all I can to help you succeed in your mid-term exam. Every student has Monday morning, Monday night, and Wednesday morning to complete this work. When an instructor gives a student so many opportunities, the proper response to his generosity is "thank you," not "This isn't fair!"
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